How to find the words ...

Nice, we miss you, your friends, Julia, Lulu, Robin, Maggie, and even Blondie miss you...

It happened so quickly, we knew you were ill, but the treatment had given good results and you were in better condition. Then, in a few hours, you began to suffer... The treatment and hospitalisation helped you, but then we heard that there was no solution for you, and we had to, with respect towards you and all that you gave us, take the painful decision to let you go, to avoid you from suffering again .... 

 You came back from the clinic, "boosted" with injections and soothed, to spend a last night among yours, in your basket, vigil by your human mom,  ... before we say you "goodbye" for good...

We lost our first dog from England, but especially and before all a wonderful companion, a "voice" (and what voice, how many times did we not complain about it !), a presence, at home, in the kitchen, after the meal, also a real nurse for all the pensioned dogs who were there before you, you took so good care of Soraya, Nirvana, and the others ...  Always in good mood, never fighting, kind with everybody, dogs and humans from all sizes and ages, ...  Even in the very last days, you were pal with the young son of the vet ...  And your expression, your head drooping in one way, and then in the other way, when the cereals fell down in the bowl, when shaking the fryer basket, or when filling the pellet stove ...
What a soul we just lost, how empty the house is without you !  Fortunately, we have your progeny, with Energy, Jingle and now the young Janet, they allow us to have kept a little part of you, even if they will never be you....  As we regularly say to people who suffer from such a lost, each dog is unique and irreplaceable.  How sad ...


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  • Guest (Me Corman)

    Bonjour à tous, je viens de prendre connaissance de la perte de votre chère Nice. En début de cette année, peu après notre installation au Québec,mon adorable Arthur a failli me quitter,il a passé 4jours et 4nuits aux soins intensifs de la clinique Daubignies de Québec.Mais par bonheur,il s'en est sorti et vit heureux avec nous dans la campagne Canadienne. Nous avons vécu des instants horribles, je n'étais absolument pas prête à le laisser partir,j'ai compris que je ne le serais jamais,mais qu'un jour,ce serait inévitable. J'ai donné son nom à ma société pour qu'il soit pour toujours vivant, avec moi.Courage à tous, affectueusement, Mary et Arthur

    from Canada
  • Guest (coquet)

    bonjouur,je suis l'heureuse "maman" d'un cocker noir jairo!9 mois,bientot d'une petite luna chocolat-feu.
    je viens souvent glaner des conseils sur votre site!!ce qui est tres preçieux!!!beaucoup d'emotion....suite à la disparition de votre"nice",cordialement à vous.

    from 69002 Lyon, France
  • Guest (onkelinx sandrine)

    Courage à vous, c'était un chien magnifique!

    from Seraing, 4100 Seraing, Belgium

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