- Home
- Contact us
- Golden Groomer - 20 & 21 July 2013 - Judgements
- Golden Groomer - 20th & 21th July 2013
- Our everyday groomings
- Show preparation
- Grooming cats
- Techniques
- Techniques
- Our groomings
- Grooming techniques
- All breeds, all sizes
- Animal Mon Ami 2012 Salon
- One of our specialties : The cats
- One passion : The competitions
- The dogs, all a life
- Courses - Demonstrations
- Golden Groomer 21 & 22/07/2012
- Golden Groomer 21 & 22/07/2012
- International Grooming Championship Genk 2012
- Animalia Expo - 31/03/2012 - Congratulations to the IFAPME students !
- International Grooming Championship Genk 2012
- Golden Groomer Liège 2011
- International Grooming Championship Genk 2011
- Golden Groomer : 2nd Best Groomer of the Day !
- Golden Dog Trophy Liège - 23th & 24th July
- Some advices before going to the grooming salon
- Golden Groomer 2010 : Some pictures from Georgia
- Golden Groomer Liège 2010
- Golden Dog Trophy, 24 & 25 July : Great rrsults !
- Exposition SSA 2010 : Les résultats & une partie des photos
- Some advices before going to the grooming salon
- The bath
- Exposition Nationale du Belgian English Cocker Club - 21/03/2010
- Golden Groomer Liège 2008
- Antwerp Grooming 2008
- Golden Groomer Liège 2007
- Antwerp Grooming 2007
- Ciseaux d Or 2007
- Golden Groomer Liège 2006
- Golden Groomer Liège 2005
- Golden Groomer Liège 2004
- Cours - Démonstrations
- News
- Our online shop
- English and American Cocker Grooming "coaching"
- Article in the
- Golden Groomer – Liège – Belgium 19 & 20 July 2014
- Golden Groomer - 20 & 21 July 2013 - Judgements
- Golden Groomer - 20th & 21th July 2013
- Animal Mon Ami 2012 Salon
- Courses - Demonstrations
- Golden Groomer 21 & 22/07/2012
- International Grooming Championship Genk 2012
- Animalia Expo - 31/03/2012 - Congratulations to the IFAPME students !
- Golden Groomer : 2nd Best Groomer of the Day !
- Golden Dog Trophy Liège - 23th & 24th July
- Some advices before going to the grooming salon
- Golden Groomer 2010 : Some pictures from Georgia
- Golden Dog Trophy, 24 & 25 July : Great rrsults !
- Exposition SSA 2010 : Les résultats & une partie des photos
- Exposition Nationale du Belgian English Cocker Club - 21/03/2010
- Our groomings
- Competitions
- Golden Groomer 21 & 22/07/2012
- International Grooming Championship Genk 2012
- Golden Groomer Liège 2011
- International Grooming Championship Genk 2011
- Golden Groomer Liège 2010
- Golden Groomer Liège 2008
- Antwerp Grooming 2008
- Golden Groomer Liège 2007
- Antwerp Grooming 2007
- Ciseaux d Or 2007
- Golden Groomer Liège 2006
- Golden Groomer Liège 2005
- Golden Groomer Liège 2004
- Courses - Demonstrations
- Education
- Advices
- Our groomings - Pictures
- Competitions - Pictures
- Animal Mon Ami 2012
- Golden Groomer Liège 2004
- Golden Groomer Liège 2005
- Golden Groomer Liège 2006
- Golden Groomer Liège 2007
- Golden Groomer Liège 2008
- Golden Groomer Liège 2010
- Golden Groomer Liège 2011
- Golden Groomer Liège 2012
- Golden Groomer Liège 2014
- Antwerp Grooming 2007
- Antwerp Grooming 2008
- Benelux Grooming Championship Genk 2011
- Benelux Grooming Championship Genk 2012
- Ciseaux d'or 2007
- Courses - Demonstrations - Pictures
- Our grooming salon - ¨Pictures